Everything has a story or is a part of a story - sometimes a short story and sometimes long story -

this photograph was taken by Agustin Gotay - OK so I was asked by my friend Agustin Gotay if we could meet now that he is retired from his employment jobs (he has been and still is a real estate developer and entrepreneur in various fields of endeavor) if we could meet for lunch in the city and spend some time viewing or amongst some art and so during the course of the day which we spent part of the time in MOMA in Manhattan Agustin took some selfies of us and a few images - one of them was of me in front of a small car - I am actually not sure of the make of the car in the image - but then I posted this image on my facebook page and one of my nephews - Robert Lewis - make a comment on the image " that fiat behind you fits you Walter lol" and then I thought about that for a while and then I began to remember that there are many stories but here is one as a general overall response that I had so far to Robert's comment: that is an interesting idea Robert Lewis a...