walls - fences - gates - and then force fields

perhaps there is a problem in today's dialog about how to solve the various problems and issues having to do with the southern border of the United States of America - perhaps you don't like to think that we are going to waste money on some antiquated concept of building a wall a fence or any such barrier that might eventually deteriorate and have to be repaired - maintained and then rebuilt again - or that won't even stop whatever these things are supposed to stop - so the real need is a force field that will not ever need to be repaired or fixed - that will do the job better than anything else and that will also take care of anything even attempting to dig under - around or even over it to transport drugs - traffickers and trafficked things as well as illegal aliens into the United States or even into any country from another country - this force field is the exact thing that needs to be created and then used - that should take care of all this that has been talked about and argued about etc. Art Prints


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