the only one - better take him seriously

it does strike me as very interesting that perhaps the only individual capable of constructing a wall barrier fence what have you that would be the most effective at the southern border of the US is the only person that members of Congress are preventing from actually taking on the task because he just might be able to show them how to accomplish such a task and for a lot less money that anyone else could have ever imagine - but so goes the political arena as it has for such a long time - the same type of waste of time and money was going on in Trumps back yard so to speak and he showed the government officials there some of his skill in producing a skating rink where no one else was able to make any progress at all - seems to me that all of the members of Congress are actually afraid of having him show them up and showing just how inept they are - so they won't even give him a dollar to do the work? But what is going to happen is that one way or another he will and has said that he takes his responsibility as president very seriously and will secure the border despite all of the dancing and talking and bickering or everyone to try and stop him from meeting his responsibility - and the biggest laugh is Schumer who calls Trump a cry baby for shutting down the government when he was refused the 5.7 billion dollars that he asked for - I am sure that Schumer will be crying in the end when this is all over - Photography Prints


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