Everything has a story or is a part of a story - sometimes a short story and sometimes long story -

this photograph was taken by Agustin Gotay - OK so I was asked by my friend Agustin Gotay if we could meet now that he is retired from his employment jobs (he has been and still is a real estate developer and entrepreneur in various fields of endeavor) if we could meet for lunch in the city and spend some time viewing or amongst some art and so during the course of the day which we spent part of the time in MOMA in Manhattan Agustin took some selfies of us and a few images - one of them was of me in front of a small car - I am actually not sure of the make of the car in the image - but then I posted this image on my facebook page and one of my nephews - Robert Lewis - make a comment on the image " that fiat behind you fits you Walter lol" and then I thought about that for a while and then I began to remember that there are many stories but here is one as a general overall response that I had so far to Robert's comment: that is an interesting idea Robert Lewis and it reminds me of the fact that somewhere around 1971 I purchased a used white MG Midget (after owning a 1963 Coup Corvette which I sold for a sizable profit) - and the first thing that I did to test it out was to drive it straight to Florida which took me about 18 hours or so and when I got there the only thing that needed attending to was the tires - they became a little worn out and so I went to a shop there in Florida - I do not remember the exact location or the owner's name but - he was a former race car driver and he fit me up with some new tires for the rear and then I had two new ones in the rear - a little larger than the front two and then I did a good deal of driving in the tiny car till around 1978 - at which time I became weary of driving with the same clutch that the mechanics who had first examined the car after I purchased it - told me that needed replacing at that point in time - and so I set the car in my driveway and let it sit there - until such time as a my brother John Bebirian purchased the car from me - perhaps he liked it and wanted the car or perhaps he was kindly giving me some money that I usually needed for years on end - but he let that car sit there perhaps because he was busy with his work and his many dogs that he owned - but then one day a few fellows from up the block approached me saying that they wanted to purchase that car - but I had to tell them that my brother owned it now - but they insisted that they wanted to purchase it - and so I told me brother John Bebirian and he asked me to sell it to them and he told me that he would give me a commission if I sold it - and so that is what I did and so I earned a commission on that very same car that I had purchased - drove for years - then sold and that is my story about my MG Midget - a good part of my history indeed - :-) and was thinking about all of this as I was creating this image this morning: 2-15-2019f and so I was just realizing during this creation process that there are an extremely large voluminous number of stories all intertwined and injected in all of my images in my Volord Kingdom Art Collection and that eventually a few - not all of them may show up in my thoughts at which time I may if possible and if I am so inclined begin to reveal then - because in truth I am never sure exactly when or if any of these stories are actually completed or are they all simply continuous creations - but to answer a question that my friend Agustin asked me during and after visiting the museum that day - Am I still investing - well his question sparked a response in me which is that everything that I do is an investment in both myself and in my art as well - :-) - of course we will have to see how things develop from here or are revealed - so to speak


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