
Showing posts from March, 2019

About Working Together

if I give you a dollar and you give me a dollar then we both still only have a dollar but in addition we now have some trust that we are able to deal with each other and the exchange will be equitable if I give you an idea and you give me an idea then we then both have two ideas and then if I give you an infinite number of ideas and you give me an infinite numbe r of very different ideas - then there is nothing that we both then cannot do together - that is the basis on which I have written this little essay: the richest man in the world ever

Something I just realized recently - even though I had seen this image many times earlier


what for is the work worth doing - an answer to a question posed by Seth Godin -

Dear Seth Godin today you ask what is the work for you - that is worth doing? well - I am an artist - and long before you posed this question to me in a message that came to me here on Facebook this morning I had thought about this a great deal - as an artist I could create a few images - post them on the internet and work my damndest to market them to people all over the world - I believe there are some 7 billion people in the world at the moment and many many many more billions over time that will arrive and spend some time doing whatever they so choose during their lifetimes and so my marketing could also be directed towards them as well - but instead it still strikes me as odd that I might be encouraged - cajoled or even forced to do this marketing thing whatever that means at any one moment during my lifetime since this seems to be changing from the past endeavors of doing it - till now and perhaps will change even more as I spend more time living here on this planet earth - ...
the greatest idea the world has ever known